This is not usually an issue for employers as computerised payroll systems generally provide more information on their standard payslips than is required by law.However, a number of other issues are raised by the right to an “itemised pay statement”, as quoted above:

  • the payslip must be “given” to the employee by the employer,
  • this must be done “at or before” the time when the payment is made, and
  • the paylist must be “written”

There are only a limited number of circumstances where an employer does not have to provide a payslip, for example if the person is not an employee, such as a contractor, freelancer or ‘self-employed worker’

The payslips can be used as proof of earnings, tax paid and any pension contributions.

Employers can choose whether they provide printed payslips, or send them electronically (online).

Payroll information supplied to the employer

After processing your payroll data we can supply you with whatever you need to manage payroll effectively including printed or manual payslips.

We would normally supply you with:

  • Electronic payslips, emailed or printed payslips
  • Current and year to date payroll information
  • Summary details of RTI, PAYE, SSP, SMP, NIC
  • Printed P45s for leavers
  • BACS payment reports

You can choose how you submit your data to us, this can be by:

  • Email – Word or Excel based payroll input that you can email to us for processing
  • Fax
  • Post – form based payroll input that can be faxed or posted for processing